Even Tidy Earwyn Bold onrush   tödl.Unfall 8.2006

Everlasting Love Bold onrush

Enchanted May Bold onrush

Bold onrush E-Wurf 18.3.2006        Enchanted May Bold onrush DNA PLL clear by Test (genetisch frei für erbliche Linsenluxation)

Duke van't Geystersveld

Kylini Legend

Mindlen Hoolet of Muhlross

Ridley Robber of Belmorr

Ridley Red Alert

Foxworker Tara

Raeburn Suzie

Minden Sam

Minden Smudge of R.

Hoelio Holly at Kylini

Hoelio Wakeman

Hoelio Paton

Hoelio Spring

Hoelio Primrose

Hoelio Turk

Hoelio Tansey

It's Me Numbre Nine


Bedlinog Flinn

B.Sayners Sergeant

Bedlinog Nettle

Vlietstede Diva

Orion v't Runsel

Kingsway Tiny


Lucky Lord Lynsdale v't Runsel

Jaroudin van't Runsel

Glenholm Sheila

Bashly-Lady El-Matho's Garden

Queslett Duke

Ashley With van't Runsel

Clystlands Ship's Biscuit

DNA PLL clear by Test

Clystlands First Rater

Clystlands Reveller

Ripling Revel

David Davies Scrap

Ripling Wispa

Clystlands  Cracker Jack

Clystlands Tangle

Cobstone Lucy Clystlands

 Clystlands Lotus at Particio

Clystlands Aston Rebel

Clystlands Legend

Clystlands All Right Jack

Clystlands Tinsel

Clystlands Tangle

Galebern Twinkle

Clystlands Cracknell

Ardencote Top Notch

Ridley Robber of Belmorr

Ridley Red Alert

Foxworker Tara

Ardencote Tanager

Ragford Rascal

Ardencote Tinker

Clystlands Cracker Jack

Clystlands Tangle

Clystlands Rebel of Cassacre

Dolly of Clystlands

Cobstone Lucy of Clystlands

Clystlands Samuel

Taw Vale Penny